
  • No application or post-application report is required prior to use.
  • Please refrain from registering any personally identifiable information.
  • Prohibitions
    The following acts are prohibited when using this service.
    1. Actions that cause or may cause annoyance, disadvantage, or damage to other users, third parties, or us.
    2. Acts that infringe or may infringe copyrights, trademarks, patents, other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, personal rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, or other rights of third parties
    3. Acts that are or may be offensive to public order and morals or otherwise violate laws and regulations
    4. Acts that use the Content obtained through the Service outside the scope of private use by the user or purchaser.
    5. Acts of reproducing, selling, publishing, distributing, or making public the Content obtained through the Service via other users or third parties other than other users, and similar acts.
    6. Interfering with the operation of the Service or other services provided by us.
    7. Actions that we reasonably deem inappropriate, such as damaging or destroying our credibility
    8. Other acts that we deem inappropriate.
    9. If any inappropriate behavior is confirmed, we may take action such as deletion.